Interface Order

Order placed by the user in the current trading day.


  • Order


ch: number

Price change from previous trading day.

chp: number

Percent price change from previous trading day.

clientId: string

The client id of the fyers user.

description: string

Description of symbol for which order is placed.

discloseQty: number

Disclosed quantity.

dqQtyRem: number

Remaining disclosed quantity.

ex_sym: string

Short name for the symbol Eg: “SBIN-EQ”.

exchOrdId: string

The order id provided by the exchange.

exchange: number

The exchange in which order is placed.

filledQty: number

The filled qty after partial trades.

fytoken: string

Fytoken is a unique identifier for every symbol.

id: string

The unique order id assigned for each order.

instrument: number

Exchange instrument type.

limitPrice: number

The limit price for the order.

lp: number

Last price of symbol.

message: string

The error messages are shown here.

offlineOrder: string

True when placing AMO order.

orderDateTime: string

The order time as per DD-MMM-YYYY hh:mm:ss in IST.

orderNumStatus: number

The order number and status of the order.

orderValidity: string

Day or IOC.

pan: string

PAN of the client.

parentId?: string

The parent order id will be provided only for applicable orders.

productType: string

The product type.

qty: number

The original order qty.

remainingQuantity: number

The remaining qty.

segment: number

The segment this order is placed in.

side: number

The order is buy or sell.

slNo: number

This is used to sort the orders based on the time.

source: string

Source from where the order was placed.

status: number

The status of the order.

stopPrice: number

The stop price for the order.

symbol: string

The symbol for which order is placed.

tradedPrice: number

The average traded price for the order.

type: number

The type of order.

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