The client id of the fyers user.
Last price of symbol.
The order time as per DD-MMM-YYYY hh:mm:ss in IST.
descriptionShort name for the symbol Eg: “SBIN-EQ”.
Disclosed quantity.
The exchange in which order is placed.
The order id assigned for each order.
Exchange instrument type.
The limit price for the order.
The error messages are shown here.
The name of symbol for which order is placed.
True when placing AMO order.
PAN of the client.
parentThe parent order id will be provided only for applicable orders.
Price change from previous trading day.
Percent price change from previous trading day.
The product type.
The original order qty.
Remaining disclosed quantity.
The remaining qty.
The segment this order is placed in.
The order is buy or sell.
Source from where the order was placed.
The status of the order.
The stop price for the order.
The symbol for which order is placed.
A unique identifier for every symbol.
The average traded price for the order.
The filled qty after partial trades.
The type of order.
Day or IOC.
Generated using TypeDoc
Order placed by the user in the current trading day.